One of the most important aspects for successful functioning is the interaction between work and leisure. This is related to the following psychological demands that include relaxation, detachment (DRAMMA) mastery, Connection and Meaning.
Due to the prevailing lifestyle of work that is characterized by long time-span, people have misconceptions about leisure. It has been proven that those who think that leisure is ineffective report low levels of satisfaction.
1. Relaxation
Relaxation strategies can be utilized to reduce stress levels and improve coping skills. They are a great way to reduce the symptoms of many illnesses such as anxiety, stress, high blood pressure, and depression.
Relaxation techniques can be taught by health care professionals or developed through self-help strategies. They help focus attention back on soothing things and improve body awareness , which can help reduce physical symptoms of anxiety.
2. Socialization
Socialization can be achieved through various sources like the family and friends. It is important to acquire social abilities and be aware of societal norms.
Sociologists describe socialization as an intricate process that includes three major components including context, contents and result. Like, for instance, how parents give chores to their children or tell their children to interact with police officers is an example of socialization.
When they are assigned to an employment opportunity, they will also be able to interact with other people. You will need to learn how to answer the telephone as well as use computers and communicate with people.
3. Gesundheit
Time off can be beneficial to take a break from stress, boost your energy and help you feel more relaxed. You can make it an element of your daily work/life balanced.
You can use it to express yourself , and develop your own creativity. It can also help you be more social and relaxed.
Many people think that leisure time is unproductive and wasted. They’re usually more depressed or and stressed than people who view leisure as an asset to their overall health and well-being.
4. Growth
It is evolving an organism’s progress from beginning or at birth, to mature or, for some species over the age of maturity until dying or senescence. Cell proliferation is a part of expansion , as well as maturation.
If people decide to working and relaxing They face tradeoffs that vary based on their own preferences in terms of wage, as well as other variables. The cost of leisure is higher as wages increase that can mean an increase in job.
In the event that income grows beyond the marginal cost of leisuretime, the effect of income kicks in, and workers are inclined to spend more time at leisure instead of working. This results in a reverse-bending work supply curve.
5. Creativity
Humanity is an ability which allows communities and individuals to thrive and adapt in changing circumstances. The ability to think creatively allows individuals to come up with innovative products and ideas that can benefit individuals.
The second objective of COVID-19 was to explore the relation between creativity and leisure involvement. It was found that creative activities such as artisanship, crafts as well as niche interests like IT and writing, as well as musical and performing art engagement are more likely than the outdoor activities to be further developed or utilized during COVID-19.
6. Self-expression
Self-expression is an important aspect of having a full and healthy life. It lets people share their true selves with others that promotes peace and happiness.
It can also help people feel more confident and secure of their own self-esteem. This helps to ensure an improvement in the way they work and their interactions.
There are many different ways we can express ourselves using dancing, music, dance as well as writing forms. These can benefit your mental wellbeing, because being able to express our emotions could help reduce anxiety and stress.