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Lessons Learned From the Disgraced Real Estate Agent’s Case: What Would You Do Differently?



It is with heavy hearts that we write about the outcome of Aaron Drever’s appeal of his 24 month prison sentence. Justice Paul Davison rejected Drever’s appeal, bringing an end his legal journey. Drever’s family and friends have been grieving for the loss of their beloved one. Over the past two years, Drever, a successful real estate agent, has been serving time as a result of deceit or forgery and also dishonestly with a legal document. This was compounded after he was brutally attacked in the kitchens of Ngawha Prison by an inmate who should not have been in the prison.

1. What crime was Aaron Drever convicted of?

Aaron Drever is a former real estate agent that was fired and has been sentenced to the death penalty. He was found guilty of both fraud and forgery. Both criminal acts carry a severe sentence. In this instance, fraud it refers to the illegal usage of another’s identity for the purpose of gaining financial gains, while forgery refers to the act of altering documents to gain an advantage. In this instance the judge found Aaron was using a fake document to purchase a property and, as a result, committed fraud and forgery. The court rejected his appeal. Aaron will be detained in prison until punished.

2. Justice Paul Davison gave Drever the following sentence

Drever The disgraced real estate broker, has been denied his appeal from Justice Paul Davison and must be imprisoned for the rest of his life. Justice Davison imposed a long period of imprisonment as well as a large fee to Drever in return for reponsibility for the charges for which that he committed. Justice Davison handed the sentence to ensure that Drever could not continue to commit illegal activities and also to deter other criminals. Though the sentence can be harsh, it’s designed to ensure that justice is served and that Drever’s actions are punished.

3. How did Mr and Mrs White react to the public support they’d received?

The Whites, Mr. and Mrs. White were undoubtedly overwhelmed by the immense public support they’d received in reaction to the news that the appeal by their son was not accepted and he’d remain behind the bars. They became unwitting ambassadors to the people who are victims of a broken justice system. And the people embraced them with open arms. This support took many types, like online campaigns, as well as local rallies. It showed the Mrs. White and Mr. White that their circumstances were not unique. While they obviously felt sad to see their son locked up in prison, the overwhelming amount of affection and love their received inspired them to continue fighting for justice.

4. What occurred in Ngawha Prison which affected Drever’s circumstances?

The circumstances surrounding the infuriated real estate agent’s appeal having been dismissed and his subsequent need to serve time in prison is a sad illustration of the legal system’s limited ability to show mercy. The incident at Ngawha Prison, which exacerbated the issue, was a violent outburst involving the agent Drever. Drever, and four guards at the prison. The dispute reportedly started when Drever along with the guards engaging in an argument which escalated to physical confrontation and ended with Drever being restrained and placed in solitary confinement. This incident, along with additional circumstances in the incident, led to an order from the court to reject the appeal. Drever has to accept the mistakes he made and remain in jail.

Quick Summary

It’s clear that in all three cases involving Adam White, Aaron Drever as well as members of The Church of Scientology, justice has been tragically elusive. White was unfairly sentenced in prison for fighting for his home, Aaron Drever was the victim of an attack that killed him in jail , and the victims of brutal assault and rape perpetrated in the church have been denied justice. It’s encouraging to know that Adam White’s young family has been supported. However, more must be done in order to get justice for the victims who were wrongfully treated by powerful individuals or organizations.

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David Himbert : Photographe professionnel à Montréal




Dans l’univers concurrentiel de la photographie professionnelle à Montréal, David Himbert se distingue comme un leader incontournable, proposant une offre de services photographiques haut de gamme adaptés aux besoins spécifiques des entreprises, professionnels, et entités médiatiques. Sa démarche unique, mariant savoir-faire technique et créativité visionnaire, permet à David de produire des images captivantes qui transmettent avec brio le message de ses clients, renforçant leur communication visuelle.

Un expert en photographie d’entreprise et corporative

David Himbert se spécialise dans la prestation de solutions photographiques sur mesure pour le monde corporatif. Que ce soit pour des portraits de professionnels et de dirigeants émanant confiance et professionnalisme, ou pour la création de contenus visuels qui valorisent l’identité de marque d’une entreprise, David excelle. Sa compétence en photographie d’entreprise lui permet de transformer des idées abstraites en visuels impactants et mémorables, contribuant ainsi à distinguer les entreprises dans un marché hautement compétitif.

La publicité par l’image : un art maîtrisé

Pour les marques, David met à profit son expertise pour élaborer des images frappantes qui captent l’attention et engendrent l’intérêt. Grâce à sa profonde compréhension des tendances actuelles et des stratégies de communication de marque, il est capable de créer des photographies qui, au-delà d’embellir, amplifient le message publicitaire, garantissant ainsi un impact maximal auprès des audiences cibles.

Partenaire des médias

Collaborateur de valeur pour les médias internationaux, David Himbert offre son expertise pour immortaliser des événements d’actualité ou réaliser des reportages détaillés. Son regard unique sur le monde transforme les récits en images percutantes qui résonnent avec les lecteurs, faisant de lui une ressource précieuse pour toute organisation médiatique.

Parmi les meilleurs photographes de Montréal

Reconnu pour son professionnalisme, sa précision, et sa capacité à fournir des résultats hors du commun, David Himbert est régulièrement salué comme l’un des photographes les plus talentueux de Montréal, et son portfolio en témoigne. Son dévouement à l’excellence et sa capacité à comprendre et répondre aux exigences spécifiques de ses clients font de lui le photographe de prédilection pour les entreprises désireuses d’investir dans des services photographiques de première qualité.

Pour les entreprises à la recherche d’un photographe à Montréal capable d’apporter une valeur ajoutée à leur communication visuelle, découvrir le travail de David Himbert est indispensable ! En visitant, ses futurs clients pourront explorer comment les services photographiques de David peuvent enrichir leur entreprise ou projet médiatique. Engager David Himbert, c’est choisir un photographe dont l’expertise et le calibre du travail sont unanimement reconnus, mais c’est aussi travailler avec un homme intègre, chaleureux et transparent.

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Understanding the Dolphin Mind: Insights into Cetacean Intelligence




Understanding the Dolphin Mind: Insights into Cetacean Intelligence

Dolphins have long fascinated humans with their intelligence, complex behaviors, and apparent sociability. As one of the most intelligent animals on the planet, dolphins offer a unique window into the cognitive abilities that exist in the animal kingdom, distinct from human intelligence. This article delves into the remarkable aspects of the dolphin mind, highlighting their cognitive abilities, social structures, and the implications for conservation efforts. By understanding these extraordinary creatures, we can appreciate the importance of initiatives focused on their well-being and habitat conservation, such as those spearheaded by Animal We Care.

Cognitive Abilities of Dolphins

Dolphins possess a high level of cognitive abilities that rival those of great apes and, in some aspects, humans. They demonstrate self-awareness, problem-solving skills, and the ability to understand complex instructions. Research has shown that dolphins can recognize themselves in mirrors, a test of self-awareness that very few animals pass. They also use tools, such as sponges to protect their snouts while foraging on the seabed, indicating an ability to use objects in their environment to achieve goals.

Social Intelligence and Communication

Dolphin societies are complex and characterized by deep social bonds. They live in structured social groups and exhibit behaviors that reflect a high degree of cooperation, including hunting strategies that require coordination and communication. Dolphins communicate using a variety of sounds and body language, and there’s evidence to suggest they may even have names for each other, in the form of unique whistles.

Emotional Intelligence

Dolphins have been observed displaying emotions such as joy, grief, and frustration, suggesting a level of emotional intelligence that adds depth to their social interactions. They engage in play, both with members of their own species and with humans, indicating a capacity for joy and curiosity.

Implications for Conservation

The intricate intelligence and social structures of dolphins not only highlight their remarkable cognitive abilities but also bring to the forefront the critical need for comprehensive conservation strategies. Dolphins, with their complex societies, sophisticated communication methods, and emotional depth, offer a mirror into the cognitive and social richness of the marine world. This understanding serves as a powerful reminder of our responsibility to protect these sentient beings and their ecosystems.

The Need for Targeted Conservation Efforts

Dolphins face numerous threats from human activities, including pollution, fishing nets, and habitat destruction. The loss of their natural habitats due to coastal development and the contamination of oceans with plastics and toxic substances pose significant risks to dolphin populations worldwide. By recognizing the advanced cognitive functions and societal bonds dolphins possess, we underscore the moral imperative to implement targeted conservation measures. These include creating protected marine areas, regulating fishing practices to prevent bycatch, and reducing ocean pollution.

The Role of Research in Conservation

Research into dolphin behavior and cognition is vital for informing conservation strategies. Understanding how dolphins interact within their social groups, communicate, and navigate their environments can help in developing more effective conservation approaches that take into account the needs and welfare of dolphins. Organizations like Animal We Care facilitate crucial research efforts by funding studies and supporting scientists in their work to uncover the mysteries of the dolphin mind. This research not only enriches our knowledge but also guides policy and conservation practices.


The dolphin mind is a marvel of the natural world, showcasing a level of intelligence and social complexity that rivals that of the most cognitively advanced species on Earth. By studying dolphins, we not only gain insights into the capabilities of non-human intelligence but also deepen our understanding of the importance of protecting these remarkable creatures and their habitats. Through the efforts of conservation groups like Animal We Care, we can hope to ensure that dolphins continue to thrive in the wild, enriching our planet with their intelligence and grace.

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Unlocking Potential: A Guide to Personal Development




Unlocking Potential: A Guide to Personal Development

In the journey of life and career, personal development serves as the compass guiding us toward fulfillment, success, and the realization of our potential. At RABASON Personal Development, we’re dedicated to supporting individuals in their quest for growth, offering insights and strategies that pave the way for self-improvement and empowerment. Understanding oneself, setting meaningful goals, and building skills are not just personal achievements; they are the stepping stones to professional excellence and personal satisfaction.

Why prioritize personal development? It’s simple: investing in yourself is the foundation of achieving your broader goals in life and business. Personal development encompasses a wide range of areas, including emotional intelligence, time management, resilience, and leadership skills, all of which are essential for navigating the complexities of today’s world.

Building Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is at the heart of personal development. It involves understanding and managing your emotions and recognizing the emotions of others. By developing emotional intelligence, you enhance your ability to communicate effectively, build stronger relationships, and make informed decisions.

Mastering Time Management

Effective time management allows you to control your schedule, reduce stress, and achieve your goals more efficiently. Our personal development programs offer tools and techniques to help you prioritize tasks, set realistic deadlines, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Cultivating Resilience

Life is full of challenges and setbacks. Cultivating resilience equips you with the strength to bounce back from adversity, learn from experiences, and continue moving forward. Personal development focuses on building this resilience, fostering a mindset that embraces challenges as opportunities for growth.

Developing Leadership Skills

Whether you’re leading a team, managing a project, or simply aiming to influence positive change, leadership skills are invaluable. Personal development enhances your leadership abilities, preparing you to inspire and motivate others, set clear goals, and achieve shared objectives.


At RABASON, we believe that personal development is a lifelong journey. It’s about continuously seeking ways to improve, adapt, and grow. Whether you’re looking to advance in your career, enhance your relationships, or simply lead a more fulfilling life, our Personal Development programs are here to guide you every step of the way.

Begin your journey to personal and professional growth today. Visit to explore how we can support your path to self-improvement.


Let’s connect and see how my programs can help accelerate your growth.   Send me a Direct Message or contact me through my website.

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